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The Badger Herald

Independent Student Newspaper Since 1969

The Badger Herald

Independent Student Newspaper Since 1969

The Badger Herald


Coat tossed on toaster heats up dorm room, catches fire

Housing officials seized the illegal toaster
Coat tossed on toaster heats up dorm room, catches fire
Jeff Miller/UW Communications

A student received a firsthand lesson in fire safety after an accidental jacket toasting.

According to a Madison Fire Department incident report:

Firefighters were dispatched to Tripp Hall Wednesday afternoon after an alarm activation. Upon arrival, they discovered a staff member and student who reported a smoke-filled dorm room.


Once firefighters entered the room, they discovered a warm toaster with strange burn marks on it.

Upon questioning, the occupant revealed he had thrown his jacket on the floor when entering the room, which activated the toaster and ignited the coat. The owner then grabbed the coat, ran outside and extinguished the flames.

Besides the coat, there was no reported damage. University of Wisconsin housing has confiscated the toaster.

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