The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents held a discussion Monday on proposed changes to the Wisconsin Administration Code.
The system is currently considering amending Chapter 17, which would impact the disciplinary proceedings for students involved in sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking on UW campuses.
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The terms “complainant” and “respondent” would be added to the chapter.
The “complainant” would only be eligible for the additional protections that Title IX provides if the source of their harm is a violation of Chapter 17. The five applicable offenses are sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking.
A “respondent” is defined as any individual accused of violating UW System Chapter 17.
Angelito Tenorio, a UW sophomore, cautioned the regents when making changes because they will have a great impact on student bodies across the state.
“I want you all to keep in mind to be careful with the language and have consideration for the provisions of Chapter 17 because this affects so many people,” Tenorio said.
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UW System Chapters 4, 7 and 11 outline dismissal proceedings for faculty and academic staff in instances of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking.
The regents proposed adding several new terms and revising the definitions of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking to be in accordance with state law definitions.
A “reporting party” would be anyone filing a complaint on the behalf of the allegedly harmed individual. “Preponderance of evidence” defines the level of evidence required under which Title IX offences would be settled.
“Clear and convincing evidence” clarifies the standard applied in special cases which could lead to serious criminal findings.
Conrad Wight, a UW sophomore, said clarity in phrasing the amendments is important because of the kind of message it sends to people. Wight also said the regents should make legal and disciplinary resources available to people and be more transparent in their work.
Niko Magallon, a UW alum part of United Council of UW students, said the issue at hand was urgent.
Magallon said the meeting gave people a “voice” to speak openly about sexual violence, assault and harassment to the regents.
“Now the regents and the people who are supposed to decide what this policy looks like on the institutional level have what they need to make it finally meet the needs of survivors as well,” Magallon said.
Tanisha Sabhaney contributed reporting to this story.