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The Badger Herald

Independent Student Newspaper Since 1969

The Badger Herald

Independent Student Newspaper Since 1969

The Badger Herald


Police taser man at East Campus Mall after making threats

University law enforcement arrests suspect for battery
Marissa Haegele

University police arrested a man this afternoon on two accounts of assault and battery near State Street and East Campus Mall.

According to a UWPD incident report, a call came in around 2:20 p.m. reporting a man on State Street and North Park Street who was “throwing punches and acting odd.”

Police dispatched several officers to find the subject in question. Around 2:45 p.m. a second call came from a student who the suspect reportedly punched at the Education Sciences Building. The student’s description of the man matched the previous description given by the first caller.


The report said UWPD identified the man as Ezekiel Golden, 47. Golden was found stopping traffic and hitting cars around Johnson Street and East Campus Mall.

Police subdue Golden outside of the Student Activity Center at East Campus Mall.

Golden was reportedly violent, threatening to hurt a police officer. Police tried to calm him down and warned him he would be tasered. Golden did not listen and continued to threaten one of the police officers on the scene. Another police officer used his taser on Golden.

The police took Golden into custody and transported him to the hospital as a precaution. Golden refused to be treated at the scene, the report said.

UWPD said Golden has a history of violence, particularly toward law enforcement. Golden is suspected to suffer from a mental health illness.

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