Being a parent in today’s busy world is a difficult endeavor. As a previous full-time nanny, I can say with confidence that taking children out in public is an entire production, from loading the car, to remembering the snacks, to changing younger ones’ diapers in public.
That’s why three Wisconsin legislators just proposed a bill to require baby changing stations in all public restrooms that are newly constructed. Here’s something you probably weren’t expecting, though — all three legislators are male.
Sen. Chris Larson, D-Milwaukee, and Reps. Jonathan Brostoff, D-Milwaukee, and David Crowley, D-Milwaukee, are proposing that baby changing stations be required in all new restrooms that are constructed, whether that be for men, women, or all genders.
Up until this point, “it’s basically been up to commercial buildings, it’s been up to private owners and for those in public to decide if they want to put these things in or not,” Larson said in an interview with Wisconsin Public Radio. “There’s not any regulation of these in Wisconsin.”
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The bill is a giant leap forward, not only in recognizing the struggles of busy parents, but specifically in being more inclusive of the different types of parents that change diapers. As Larson pointed out, baby changing stations are traditionally found in only women’s restrooms, which shows the pervasiveness of gender norms in our society, as women are often expected to be the one changing diapers.
This assumption does not account for single dads, families with two male parents, or non-binary parents. Therefore, the bill proposal shows a recognition and acceptance for parents of different identities, while also providing more concrete support for parents in general.
Unfortunately, disparities for parents, especially low-income, working parents, still exist. Under current federal law, new parents are not entitled to any kind of paid leave. The Family and Medical Leave Act guarantees eligible workers 12 weeks off from work to spend time with their new child, yet this time off need not be paid.
The U.S. is the only country in the developed world that does not currently offer paid maternity leave, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. This is especially problematic when you consider the fact that raising children is extremely labor-intensive, meaning many parents are forced to take off work to provide childcare. The cost of raising a child to age 17 is estimated to be $233,610 by the USDA, not accounting for the cost of attending college.
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Ultimately, raising children is expensive and time-consuming, yet our current laws do not allow for ample time or ample resources to raise a child while also working. Perhaps this is why many young, lower-income parents are forced to turn to childcare, as workplaces have no legal obligation to be flexible with new parents past 3 months. It may seem silly, but something as small as not having anywhere to change a child’s dirty diaper can actually largely affect a number of people.
Perhaps the person most obviously affected in this situation is the parent who must find another surface on which to change their child. But it also affects the child, who may get fussy from being changed in a car or on the floor, rather than at a changing table. Finally, there are consequences for those who access these public spaces where children are often changed, as changing diapers can leave behind fecal matter, germs or at the very least, a foul odor.
Having access to a changing station in all bathrooms may seem insignificant, yet the implications of the bill highlight the necessity for more government support of all parents. While the proposed bill is a great first step, there is still much work to be done in providing parents with the resources they need to raise healthy and safe children in this country.
Courtney Degen ([email protected]) is a junior studying political science and journalism.