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Independent Student Newspaper Since 1969

The Badger Herald

Independent Student Newspaper Since 1969

The Badger Herald


How to give back during your summer vacation in Madison

From the Dane County Farmer’s Market to the Henry Vilas Zoo, find an opportunity that interests you
Maria Brunetta
The UW Arboretum accepts volunteers for plant-related tasks this summer. May 2, 2024.

For those staying in Madison over the summer, there are plenty of ways to get involved with the greater Madison community. Especially by volunteering at one of these Madison staples.

If you’re looking to enjoy the outdoors this summer, this is the place for you!

Dane County Farmers’ Market


The farmers’ market accepts anyone from market aficionados to those new to the Saturday morning tradition. Per the website, volunteers will “spend their time answer­ing ques­tions and ensur­ing a pos­i­tive mar­ket expe­ri­ence for all cus­tomers.” There are also opportunities for volunteers to interact with the market’s Electronic Benefit Transfer and Double Dollars programs, to make sure everyone is able to participate in the market. All volunteers will be trained, and there is no requirement for the number of shifts worked!

Madison Area Food Pantry Gardens

These gardens provide fresh food for local food pantries. They are largely driven by volunteers and are always looking for people to come out and help. There are 10 gardens throughout the county, all producing different arrangements of foods, so anyone could find something to interest them. To sign up as a volunteer, check the garden calendar listed on their website. There is no age limit or supplies requirement, all you have to do is check the calendar and complete their waiver.

The Henry Vilas Zoo

The zoo offers many roles, from becoming the lion mascot — or handling the current mascot — to greeting newcomers as they enter the zoo. Their website states you will apply for one “base role” and then have the chance to pick up training for new positions. As long as you’re properly trained, they would love to have you.

Though their volunteering slots are completely full for summer-long positions, you can still join their interest list to potentially be picked up for one-time opportunities.

The UW–Madison Arboretum

The Arboretum is also a great place to get outdoors. Interested volunteers can sign up for a range of activities from removing invasive plants, to burn unit preparation or sustainable garden practices and shrub removal, there are plant-related events for everyone. Even working the front desk, for those who would rather stay in the shade. To join in, simply pick a volunteer position listed on their website and fill out the form or email the staff listed.

Clean Lakes Alliance

For those passionate about lakes and the bodies of water we are surrounded by, the Clean Lakes Alliance is always looking for volunteers. They are currently promoting support for the Loop the Lake bike ride happening June 15, but there are other opportunities listed on their page. You can work with the administration or on watershed-related projects working to restore the shoreline! There is an email provided to join an update list for news on opportunities throughout the summer.

For those who would like more information on volunteer opportunities throughout the summer or for those who prefer to stay indoors to volunteer, there are many more opportunities listed on the Morgridge Center for Public Service website.

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