Over the years, the U.S. has established itself as a stridently pervasive imperial entity. From its dealings and meddling in elections in Latin America, to acting as a global police force, the U.S. has a long history of sticking its nose where it shouldn’t belong.
It’s not just a matter of the U.S. simply existing in a place where it shouldn’t be. The U.S. and its military are directly complicit in atrocities across the world — more specifically, the U.S. is complicit in the genocide that’s unfolding in Yemen.
For months, the world has sat aghast as the Saudi coalition has murdered thousands of civilians. Reports have shown somewhere around 100,000 children have died throughout the years of this conflict. Similarly, the Saudi’s have targeted food supplies, which in turn has resulted in one of history’s most horrendous man-made famines.
All of this, while heartbreakingly cruel and devastating in of itself, is exacerbated by the fact the U.S. is supplying arms and support to Saudi Arabia. The weapons and bombs used to massacre children were traced back to Lockhead Martin, the weapons manufacturer for the U.S. government.
Back in 2017, the U.S. — spearheaded by President Donald Trump — landed a $1 billion deal with Saudi Arabia. And now these missiles and bombs are being used to slaughter innocent civilians and children.
Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have proposed a ceasefire within the next 30 days, but that’s simply not enough, and does not nearly account for the atrocities that have already occurred. Congress must act to do better, and that’s exactly what U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Madison, and Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Fremont, are proposing in their legislation, H. Con. Res. 138. In a press release Pocan and Khanna said, “The Trump Administration must work to secure concessions from the Saudis to stop their brutal bombing campaign, ease their blockade of food and medicine, and end fresh assaults and military sieges on heavily populated centers.”
This is an important distinction made by both congressmen because in large, it could represent a break from discussions on foreign policy that have long dominated congressional debate.
Though no argument is completely bipartisan, war hawks from both sides of the aisle generally come together to praise intervention and to praise imperialism. Pocan and Khanna are trying to show there is a third way.
This third way, to break away from the traditional confines of only protecting the nation’s interests is as compelling as it is necessary.
University of Wisconsin History Professor, Patrick Iber, in a blog post of the leftist foreign policy blog Fellow Travelers argues one key principle of leftist foreign policy should be solidarity. The U.S., in his eyes, should embark on a path of foreign policy that focuses on bolstering and supporting the citizens of other countries, not just projecting the U.S. and its safety or economic benefits.
That’s why Pocan’s legislation is important, and why more morally driven decent politicians should unequivocally act to end the war in Yemen, and begin to focus on a different way that directly supports the victims of the famine and catastrophe.
What Pocan and Khanna are doing is applaudable. It’s shifting the conversation away from the long-standing tradition of turning a blind eye to reprehensible murder carried out in the name of money, and to one that is focused on the betterment of people as a whole.
Adam Ramer (aramer2@wisc.edu) is a senior majoring in political science and history.