The Associated Students of Madison’s Student Services Finance Committee met Thursday to determine the budget of Badger Catholic for the fiscal year 2014-2015 and to hear a budget presentation from BadgerSPILL.
Badger Catholic
Badger Catholic was granted a final budget of $95,755.80 after little discussion with a vote of 10-0-1. The amount is a 5.15 percent reduction from the 2012-2013 fiscal year.
The organization asked for a decrease in funding from the previous fiscal year for advertising, printing and photocopying and an increase in money for food, beverages and speaker fees.
Members of SSFC said they felt comfortable with the group’s budget.
BadgerSPILL is an anonymous support system that is run online, that allows UW-Madison students to confidentially vent about typical college problems students experience on campus, SPILL President Laura Roberson said.
While the website offers help and support on a variety of problems, the categories that receive the most postings are romantic relationships and academics, Jessie Gartzke, SPILL’s vice president of finance, said.
The group requested a budget of $42,789.25, which is a $1,763.25 increase from the 2013-2014 fiscal year, Gartzke said.
The increase is due to the groups’ desire to pay the vice president position and to increase the allotted amount of money for advertising, Roberson said.
A portion of the increase,$1,516.35 will be allotted to the vice president of marketing salary. SPILL requested that $10,000 of its budget be allotted for advertising and marketing in general.
“Advertising is important especially for our organization because we are run online,” Gartzke said. “By advertising in school newspapers and running online ads, we are able to promote our site to a wide variety of students.”
Included in the costs for advertising are the creation of promotional items such as water bottles, coffee mugs and stress balls, Gartzke said.
SSFC Rep. Callen Raveret questioned how successful the vice president of marketing position would be, if it were paid.
“We see value in advertising and we want the best person possible to do it. We think that whoever fills this position would put forth more time and effort if they were getting paid to do so,” Roberson said.
Roberson said the current vice president of marketing has put in more hours this year than the vice president of finance and that the paid position would include taking on some of the president’s responsibilities as well.
“We’ve made it our goal to increase our marketing this year and we feel that in the end this position will be worth it,” Roberson said.
SSFC will vote whether to approve SPILL’s budget at its next meeting Monday.