The University of Wisconsin?s main patent arm?s Wisconsin
Alumni Research Foundation announced Thursday morning they were notified of a
key trademark decision in their favor.
The United States Patent and Trademark?s Office ruled to
uphold the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation?s claims in the face of New
York and California based biotech organizations that challenged the patent?s
validity in 2006.
WARF?s managing director Carl Gulbrandsen said in a
statement Thursday the decision coincided with what they had always maintained
since 1998.
“We’re extremely pleased with this decision,?
Gulbrandsen said. ?It affirms what WARF has believed all along, that Dr.
Thomson’s breakthrough discoveries are patentable inventions.”
The patent, ?913,? deals with primate and human embryonic
stem cells. Two other patents, numbers ?780? and ?806? are still pending a
review by the trademark office.
See more about the future of UW?s stem cell patents in
Friday?s edition of The Badger Herald.