Hundreds of people packed into Bruce-Guadalupe Middle School’s gymnasium in Milwaukee Thursday to hear President Barack Obama.
Obama traveled to Milwaukee to congratulate the city on winning the White House’s Healthy Community challenge. The challenge aimed to enroll citizens in health care plans, and Milwaukee enrolled nearly 90,000 people.

Special guests in attendance included the members of the Milwaukee Bucks basketball team.

To kick off the event, the Latino Arts Strings Program performed two pieces of music.

Mayor Tom Barrett took the podium to greet the crowd.

Following the end of Barrett’s speech, a team of people rushed out to set up the podium and attach the presidential seal.

The second speaker, Brent Brown, described how the Affordable Care Act had saved his life, before Obama took the stage.

Afterwards, Obama sifted around the edge of the crowd to meet and greet a few of the attendees.

Obama calls out Wisconsin Republicans over Affordable Care Act