I’m out bitches.
It’s been an interesting past three years, and I definitely enjoyed most of it. To all the real Badgers out there who had my back on all Mifflin-related issues, you guys are swell. To the rest of you, thanks for the page views.
Never change, Madison. Keep partying, learn something and if it won’t kill you, pick up the Herald every once in a while. This is one of the best places to go to school, and I loved every minute of it. The Herald was a big part of that for me, being the organization I spent by far the most time with in my time here. I met some great people, wrote a couple cool things and got insulted in roughly every way possible. Again, thanks for the page views.
It has been an entertaining ride to say the least. When I started I certainly didn’t think that I would be made fun of by the Wall Street Journal or flashed at a bar as thanks for my Mifflin article. But it happened. Seriously. I saw her boobs.
Anyway, love me, hate me or be completely indifferent, I hope you gained some enjoyment out of my work. I did my best, and now I have to leave you all for the world beyond the lecture hall. As long as there is beer, I should be good. Cheers, Madison.
John Waters ([email protected]) is a senior majoring in journalism.