University of Wisconsin’s Young Americans for Freedom hosted a lecture by a history professor to discuss the “raw deal” of FDR’s New Deal Wednesday.
Author, historian and Hillsdale College professor Burt Folsom gave a lecture about the New Deal’s implications on the U.S. economy. He talked about prominent political figures from Wisconsin that played a part in the nation recovering from the Great Depression.
“The state of Wisconsin has produced some liberty-loving people,” Folsom said. “You’ve done it before, you can do it again.”
Folsom based the lecture off of his most recent book “New Deal or Raw Deal.” He described his research as a side of Roosevelt’s policies that aren’t often taught in history classes.
Because unemployment rates were high during the Great Depression, FDR’s administration implemented programs like the Work Progress Administration, Agriculture Adjustment Administration and the National Recovery Act — all of which Republicans strongly opposed, Folsom said.
The nation lost its freedom during this era, Folsom said.
Also at the event, Folsom and members of YAF expressed disdain over the results of the 2018 midterm elections Tuesday.
“Conservatives had a defeat yesterday,” Folsom said. “Is this defeat permanent? Or is the defeat a phase until the next time, when the battle of ideas can be fought again when people have the courage to go out, explain the history, tell these stories and win the battle?”
In light of the elections, Folsom said conservatives have some work to do.
Nevertheless, he said he was proud to be working with members of UW YAF — which was selected by the YAF Board of Governors as 2018 Chapter of the Year.
“I’m glad to come here and be a part of that,” Folsom said.