Student Services Finance Committee met Monday to make a decision for the Badger Catholic budget and to hear the budget proposal for F.H. King.
Badger Catholic’s budget was approved in a vote of 11-0-4.
SSFC granted Badger Catholic $98,597.50, which was lower than what they originally requested. The discrepancy came from suggestions by Badger Catholic due to underspending in previous years.
Representatives voiced their concerns regarding underspending for staff salaries but acknowledged that Badger Catholic provided suggestions to cut hours to reduce the amount of underspending.
F.H. King also presented their budget proposal to the committee.
Last fiscal year, F.H. King only spent 77.2 percent of their approved budget. The representatives said this was due to miscommunication among former board members.
F.H. King provided solutions to mend their issue of underspending, such as better training for new board members, education director Rena Newman said.
“We ended up taking a step by hiring personnel and increasing the training process to make sure that we will continue to have semester kick-offs and [other activities],” Newman said.
SSFC will vote on F.H. King’s budget Thursday.