Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, it’s another Hump Day! Savor them, readers – there are only a few more left this year! This week, we’re going to delve deep into the pleasurable wonders of the female body. Because there’s more goin’ on down there than just the clitoris and G-Spot. Don’t get me wrong – if your goal is to make a female quiver and moan in bliss, the clitoris and G-Spot are perfectly great go-tos. But for more advanced, thorough stimulation innovations, read on.
The clitoris … more to it than you think!
OK, so I know I said we’ll be learning about more than just the clitoris. But I need to do a quick poll to make sure we’re all on the same page. So pop quiz! How long is the average clitoris? Think about it. Go ahead, I’ll wait. K, ready? The answer is eight inches, in total.
Did you guess right? Move on to the next lesson! To most, though, this comes as a surprise. When we say “clitoris,” we tend to think of that cute little pea-sized pleasure button at the top of the vulva. That’s actually just the “glans” or head of the clitoris. There’s also a shaft beneath the clitoral hood and two legs buried beneath bodily tissues. Each leg is about four inches long. Together, they make a wishbone shape. The entire structure is made out of erectile tissue, the stuff that is responsible for boners.
As you can imagine, this means there is much more to pleasing clitorises than just rubbing, licking and tapping that little hot button. Try rolling the shaft back and forth by placing your index finger pads on the clitoral hood and manipulating the nubby root back and forth. Clitorises can also actually be “jerked off.” Grab a hunk of the mons pubis (the fleshy pad where pubic hair grows) and outer lips and jerk that sucker up and down. To find the legs, place two fingers on the clitoral hood where the shaft is. Now spread the fingers out to find the tops of the legs and follow them as far as they will take you. You can massage, squeeze and apply pressure to the outer lips to stimulate them deeper. These are great warm-up techniques for female-bodied people, since many find direct clitoral stimulation to be irritating right away.
Vestibular Bulbs
These are two teardrop shaped wads of erectile tissue that are nestled beneath the vaginal lips, on either side of the vaginal openings. Medical textbooks usually discuss them as parts that can “potentially become infected,” which is a darn shame because they are so much more than that. These bad boys connect directly to the shaft of the clitoris and, when they’re engorged, they make the vaginal entrance plump and snug.
So, how to stimulate them: This requires a bit of lube and possibly a bit of massage techniques, because it is literally a vulva massage. Go at the pussy with an open palm, cup it lovingly and get some circular, swirly motions going with a bit of applied pressure. You can also try making “L” shapes with both hands and enveloping both sides of the pussy, like a pretty portrait frame. This can feel especially-oh-so-nice during penetration for all involved. The lips may also like to be gently pinched, squeezed, licked, massaged, smacked or sucked at any point.
Just remember the lube. You know how dry handjobs can become more irritating than awesome? Pussies don’t appreciate dry skin-on-skin chafing, either.
Urethral Sponge
Okay, I may have tricked you – this is actually the G-Spot. But I think it can be easier to conceptualize if we think about the G-Spot as a sponge, a sponge that will not present itself or want to play until it is fully drenched and prepped. This “spot” is actually more like a tube, a tube that surrounds the urethra. It’s made out of spongy erectile tissue and feels squishy to the touch when engorged.
Now this is the important part, so listen up. Because it’s made out of erectile tissue, it won’t usually be felt if the female-bodied person hasn’t already been thoroughly “turned on.” Trying to find the G-Spot in an unaroused or partially-aroused state is like trying to tug an orgasm out of a floppy dick – it just ain’t gonna happen! Pre-arousal, it’s just pressure on the pee tube, which can be irritating. When the urethral sponge is ready, you would actually be able to see it bearing down from the top inner wall of the vagina if you could look up with a flashlight.
Perineal Sponge
This is yet another sponge of erectile tissue. It is located in the taint, that spot between the vagina and the butthole. You can find it by going about an inch into the vagina and pressing down on the backside wall or into the anus about a half inch on the frontside wall. This sponge, along with the vestibular bulbs, is responsible for that “getting fucked” full feeling that vaginas experience. So a great tip for fingering with a bit extra bang is to insert fingers and face them nail side up and press downwards towards the butthole. Combine this with another technique above and you’re golden – dual stimulation!
There you have it! Until next time, stay sexy and safe.
Send Sam and Amie your questions and comments at humpday@badgerherald.com.
EDIT: “public” was corrected to “pubic” in the 5th paragraph. We’re sorry for the error and any confusion it may have caused.