There’s nothing quite like kicking back with a quality novel. Unfortunately, the demands of the college lifestyle typically leave little time for recreational reading. If you find yourself yearning for a quick book fix, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve got this week’s installment of a quality novel brief enough to read in a weekend.
Title: Book of the Dead, or Book of Coming Forth by Day
Author: Unknown (deceased)

What better time to absolve restless souls than Halloween?
If your home is cluttered up by countless embalmed corpses and you’re wondering what to do, look no further than the ancient Egyptian “Book of the Dead.”
Dating back to around 1550 B.C., this collection of texts is the go-to guide for ensuring that the recently and dearly departed make it safely to the afterlife. If your funerary ritual routine isn’t quite on par, be sure to spend some time this weekend brushing up. How embarrassing would it be if your grandmother’s soul spent the rest of time bouncing around the underworld, forever tortured by Osiris’ retinue of grotesque demons?
Books you can read in a weekend, volume five: ‘Breakfast of Champions’
Including nearly 200 spells protecting the souls of the deceased against the numerous perils of the afterlife, the text’s hundreds of chapters have since been translated and condensed to a handy, weekend-friendly companion for ensuring a perfect burial.
If you’ve got any doubts about the itinerary of your embalmed pal, don’t worry! “The Book of the Dead” narrates the harrowing journey of a soul towards the blissful afterlife.