BH: How do you describe your relationship with Saddle Creek?
TK: As far as our relationship, it’s a close friendship. It’s the friends I went to high school and middle school with. We are all just really good friends, and it’s this beautiful, dumb luck that things worked out.
BH: Do you like to tour?
TK: Right now we are at the beginning of the touring season and have a really good attitude about it. At the end of the season last year, I was very tired and was feeling detached from everything. I was envious of people’s warm houses and warm communities. We are huge believers in touring, though.
BH: Outside of the obvious aesthetic differences, what is the difference between Cursive and The Good Life?
TK: I didn’t want to put out Cursive Lite, or Cursive B-Sides. That is why with this project we really wanted to push The Good Life as a band. It’s not just Tim Kasher and company.
BH: How do you make time to record these albums?
TK: It really is getting tight. We try to schedule as far in advance as possible. Right now our latest dilemma is [figuring out] when The Good Life [is] going to write and record its next album. We haven’t even released the new one yet. We literally are so booked up we don’t know when it’s going to happen.
BH: What should one expect at a Good Life show? Does the record hold up in performance?
TK: The hardest part is staying in synch with the drum loops — we’ve been using samples since the beginning of touring. We hope that our show is a strong melodic representation of what we record. We are looking to illustrate the strength of emotion. Cursive is much easier to perform with because it is just more exciting. It’s straight rock ‘n’ roll.
BH: What’s up with The Faint? Are they leaving the label?
TK: We all are really proud of them, because they have every major label knocking at their door, and it’s not like they wouldn’t sign with a major label, but they really are the most un-compromising band. They really would not tour with No Doubt just for the chance to hang out with Gwen. They do everything by their own book. They are looking at this as an opportunity to stay on an independent [label] and to grow on an independent [label].