The process of meticulously weighing my options for president — including those in the third party — has left me wanting one thing: to vote or President Barack Obama again.
Obama’s a great candidate in this election for one reason only — we know what he’s going to do. Over the past eight years Obama has been boring, pragmatic and predictable. He’s been annoyingly genuine, except for the whole closing Guantanamo thing. Especially in this election where Trump is a loose cannon and Clinton is perceived as a liar, there really isn’t a trustworthy candidate with a realistic shot at winning the presidency.
Now, I know that the 22nd amendment to the U.S. Constitution limits presidents to serving two terms in the executive office. But I don’t think the authors of this amendment were thinking that America would cut off its nose to spite its face and nominate more hated than liked nominees for the two major parties.
It’s safe to say Americans have grown tired of the Obama presidency. From June 2013 to March 2016, Obama had a three year stretch where more people disapproved than approved of the job he has done in the Oval Office.
I’m sure part, if not most of the reason, Obama is seen as more favorable now than early in 2016 is the mixture of Trump’s rise and Clinton coming into the national light, again.
For me, the slosh of past presidential debate and the stupidity of both vice presidential candidates in their debate turned me off to this election. Compounding this fact is Clinton’s campaign seems to have been going on since Obama won reelection in 2012. The disdain for this election is more than I’ve, in my limited lifetime, ever experienced.
Aaron Reilly ( is a sophomore majoring in social work and economics.