College Republicans Chair Sara Mikolajczak argued in a Badger Herald guest column (?Youth may find Dem policy too taxing?, Jan. 21) that the Democratic Party chooses superficial, short-term solutions to address what are essentially long-term problems. In some instances she is right. The Democrats have not stood up to our nation’s unhealthy appetite for foreign oil and tragically refuse to discuss axing carbon to reduce oil consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The Democrats have also repeatedly failed to stand up to prevent a meaningless war that has endangered our security in the long run as well as jeopardized our nation’s diplomatic standing in the world.
However, to argue that the Republican Party is the bearer of long-term strategy is stunningly naive. It is the Republicans who stand in the way of comprehensive immigration reform and seem to believe that mass deportations and border fences can solve an issue that affects over 12 million people. It is the Republicans who refuse to believe scientific fact regarding global warming and in fact actively shun the scientific community, as if the short-term consequences to specific business interests outweigh the long-term consequences of climate change for future generations to come.
When it comes to crime, the Republicans most commonly propose more jail time and less rehabilitation. On the economy, the GOP is better, but not by much. Their tax cuts may work if they weren’t so bent on indebting our nation to China by borrowing trillions to pay for military adventures and pork barrel projects. If the long-term solution is to have your grandchildren pay, the Republicans are the answer. When it comes to issues involving gays and lesbians, the Republicans can’t have a long-term solution because they haven’t even caught up with the present.
And finally, it is the Republican Party who has shown an utmost contempt for the very institutions that have made this country great and will keep this country great in the long term. That the constitution forbids cruel and unusual punishment does not keep Republican presidential candidates from delightfully endorsing the torture practice of waterboarding, completely disregarding the long-term consequences for American soldiers in enemy hands or America’s international reputation.
It is Republican President George W. Bush who has habitually disregarded the separation of powers outlined in the Constitution by refusing to allow Congress to have proper oversight of this war as well as issuing ?signing statements,? pieces of paper that essentially declare that the president will sign the laws passed by Congress but will not obey them.
In fact, the only long-term goal of the Republican Party that they are achieving is the destruction of secular government. If you don’t believe me, look up Mike Huckabee on YouTube.
When it comes to long-term solutions, the Democratic Party is poor, but the Republican Party is bankrupt.
Jack Craver
UW sophomore, history