In response to "Gambling ban nonsense" by Andrew Wagner:
The government is going to tell you that al Qaeda is running all the online gambling sites. Therefore, gambling online supports terror. You know what else supports terror? Filling your gas tank. Ironically, no one is trying to stop us from funneling money to Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Iran. Thanks, Uncle Sam. Way to keep your eye on the ball.
In response to "Israel punishes civilians" by Paul Heideman:
Way to completely ignore Hezbollah's behavior. People like you, who accept the word of terrorists unquestioningly, give real liberals like me a bad name.
In response to "If all else fails, just launch a nuke" by Gerald Cox:
China would much rather have a North Korea with nukes, than millions of North Korean refugees, and armed North Korean dissidents. Considering China's economic clout in the world, I see no chance of any real action against North Korea.
In response to "War expectations irrational, fall short" by Robert Phansalkar:
Obviously, President Bush has tried several preparations for this war on terror (A-G), but has fallen short thus far. On the whole, Preparation H feels good and has the best chance to reduce the inflammatory conditions we have been experiencing.
In response to "Poorly conducted" by The Badger Herald Editorial Board:
The smearing of the Marching Band and the aspersions on Mike Leckrone's character are hardly an example of an enlightened or even an engaged administration. But, Good Heavens, there MIGHT have been some lewd dancing by males! My old Band Alumni forehead is still wrinkled in confusion and dismay….
In response to "Columbia protesters discredit liberals" by Gabbie Wade:
Nixon discredited 4 protestors at Kent State. Did I say discredited, my bad, I meant killed.
In response to "Republicans lack stance on ban" by Eli Lewien:
I think the College Republicans know exactly how they feel about the ban – they for some irrational, idiotic reason support it – but they also know that over 90% of this campus disagrees with them. The Repubs are just scared to reveal their highly discriminatory and deeply unpopular stance to the rest of us students.
Ten bucks says they bash you for calling them out and never say anything about the issue.
In response to "Tax cuts promote economic growth" by Will Smith:
Nice article, Will. Democrats don't tend to understand the notion of government borrowing so you aren't likely to make headway with many of them. They should ask their econ professors what would happen to world capital markets we suddenly called all of our treasury notes.
In response to "Workin' hard for the money?" by The Badger Herald Editorial Board:
Paying wages based on need rather than value is ridiculous. From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. Karl Marx Results in rational people hiding their abilities and making a big list of their needs.
If stupid referenda like this keep passing, maybe I'll drop out of college and get a job scooping ice cream.
Yeah, great idea. Student have trouble affording college so let's raise their seg fees so a few of them can better afford it while the rest have an even more difficult time paying for it. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
In response to "Vote 'No' on Union referendum" by Carolyn Smith:
This just shows the great sacrifice that students were willing to make. THEY GAVE MORE THAN TUITION COSTS….The student union initiative is asking for less than 1% of tuition…
What will your legacy be? I helped preserve Memorial Union and build a state-of-the-art, "green" south campus union… or I saved a couple of hundred bucks. What will mean more to you when you return to campus 10 or 20 years from now?
In response to "My numbers don't lie, Dems' ads do" by Joelle Parks:
"Mr. Green's numbers are different for Bush's previous term with 91.1 percent for the 2003-04 session, and 93.2 percent of the time in 2001-02. He votes on the issues, not on the president's agenda." Seems closer to 92.1% to me. Anybody else agree? Darn Democrats, rounding down!
At what percentage does one become a rubber stamp? The thing that really bothers me is that Green goes to work every day and votes the exact same way as the guy next to him; in school, we call that cheating.
In response to "Bearing the weight of the Union" by Omar Bonilla-Ortiz:
That same cartoon could have been drawn in the 1920s when students spent more than their tuition to pay for the building that we, selfish selfish generations, are now using.