To the editor:
Those of you who are new to campus are probably learning how to deal with traffic by watching the people around you. Thus, you will see pedestrians crossing against the light, or in the middle of the block, or stepping off the curb without looking both ways. You will also see bicyclists running stop signs and red lights, heading the wrong way on one-way streets, weaving in and out of traffic or riding at night without lights. You may think this is cool.
Remember, if you will, a principle of science. You are looking at only a sample, a subset of the total population. Do not commit the error of thinking that what you see is representative of the whole. What you do not see are the pedestrians and bicyclists who were whacked by cars and trucks. They too thought they were being cool; now they are all the way to cold.
Around here, we think of it as evolution in action.
Richard S. Russell
2642 Kendall Av.
Madison, WI, 53705-3736
[email protected]