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The Badger Herald

Independent Student Newspaper Since 1969

The Badger Herald

Independent Student Newspaper Since 1969

The Badger Herald


Hump day: Take down hair hierarchy with expressive bushes

Pubes — whether cleanly waxed, trimmed or even dyed — don’t need to be taboo
Own it, like Bey.
Courtesy of
Own it, like Bey.

Every November, college students welcome the brisk fall air with a promise to stop shaving and let hair grow wild, for potentially the duration of winter. No-Shave November is a perfectly acceptable practice for those with facial hair, but the moment a woman expresses her wish to participate, she is met with shock and disgust — presumably because she plans to stop shaving her legs, armpits or pubic hair.

Cultural hang-ups about pubic hair morph with current fads whether the pubes remain untouched by razors, trimmed into a landing strip or waxed bald.

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Sexy styles

Those who choose to leave their pubes au naturel avoid the problems associated with pubic hair removal, such as ingrown hairs, itchy regrowth, painful waxes, cuts and razor burn. A fluffy bush cushion might also prevent uncomfortable pubic bone contact during sexy time.


Some simply trim their pubes using scissors without fully removing or shaping hair. Shaping the pubes into a triangle or bikini shape prevents pubic hairs from being seen while wearing swimwear. This style may be any length or proximity to the bikini line.

More attentive maintenance of pubic hair can take many shapes — literally. Removing hair sharply from the sides of bush forms a long vertical rectangle in the center: the landing strip, or “French wax.” Other shapes might be waxed or shaven into pubes, everything from hearts to lightning bolts to stars and letters.

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A Brazilian wax involves applying hot wax and removing all pubic hair. Sometimes a small inch-long stripe remains above the vulva. Everyone has different preferences for their pubic hair, and exercising agency over our bodies presents an opportunity for all sorts of expression through pubes.

Adding a little color to pubes is easy with pubic hair dye, offered by companies such as Betty Beauty. Besides grooming kits, they offer every color from auburn and blonde to purple and blue. There’s nothing like a colorful surprise to brighten someone’s day! Besides, even without dyes, the carpet hardly ever matches the drapes. Pubic hair is almost always darker and coarser than hair on heads.

Tips for trimming the turf

  • Cut dry, shave wet. Use a comb while trimming, and be sure to use sharp hair scissors.
  • Use a small mirror. This will help ensure that all the hard-to-see spots have been groomed.
  • Get wet. Taking a lengthy bath or shower softens coarse pubic hairs and prepares them for comfortable removal.
  • Use shaving cream. Be sure to rinse off the razor in between strokes.
  • Use a sharp razor. Dull razors increase the risk for ingrown hairs and painful cuts.
  • Hold the skin tight with one hand and shave with the other. Avoid using too much pressure.
  • Shave in the direction of hair growth. It may be tempting to shave against the hair growth to achieve exceptional smoothness, but this creates unsightly ingrown hairs.
  • Apply baby oil, lotion or aloe vera afterwards. Pubic area skin is incredibly sensitive and can easily be irritated when dry. Consider using cocoa butter oil for a delicious down-there scent.

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Precious pubes

Asking for input from partners can be valuable, but their inclinations should by no means dictate pubic hairstyles. Some styles may be more convenient for oral — pulling hair out of the mouth can kill the mood a little — but never feel pressured to adjust pubes for a partner.

Feeling comfortable with our bodies creates the best environment for intimacy. Shaving pubic hair bald simply to please a partner may satisfy them but leave us feeling uncomfortable. No matter the gender or sexual experience, choosing a pubic style empowers us to feel sexy in our choices.

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