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The Badger Herald

Independent Student Newspaper Since 1969

The Badger Herald


Hump day: Spicy twists and turns for common sex positions

Whether cowgirl or dog-lover, simple pelvic shift can mean difference between bland, sensational
Jack Sparrows feelings are clear.
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Jack Sparrow’s feelings are clear.

Sex positions have the power to alter physical intimacy in fascinating ways. Staring into a partner’s eyes during intercourse feels quite different from facing away from them, and shifts in stance can transform sensations.

Most stem from four core positions: missionary, rear entry, side entry and receptive partner on top. These positions work for vaginal or anal penetration between all sorts of lovers, and simple adjustments to classics can create brand-new experiences or even a new favorite.

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This position utilizes eye contact and full-body closeness with the insertive partner lying on top. For receptive partners with clitorises, missionary offers the opportunity for coital alignment technique. To achieve the extra clitoral stimulation needed by many people to orgasm, the insertive partner shifts upward along the receptive partner’s body until the penetrative object (whether it be penis, dildo or anything in between) points down and presses against the clitoris.


Missionary can also incorporate a platform surface such as a bed or table with the legs of the receptive partner dangling down or resting against the standing or kneeling insertive partner’s shoulders. Essentially any adjustment to leg positioning changes the dynamic of missionary: Spreading legs wider, for example, allows for deeper penetration. For the more flexible partners out there, pulling the feet behind the head or next to the ears can result in stimulation of regions inaccessible through other angles.

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Rear Entry (Doggy Style)

Commonly viewed as the most animalistic sex position, doggy style usually places the receptive partner on their hands and knees while the insertive partner penetrates from behind. This position can stimulate the G-spot, or paraurethral sponge, on the anterior wall of the vagina rather well. If the receptive partner angles the torso downward so the insertive partner can raise their hips, maximum penetration can be achieved.

For those seeking a power dynamic of restraint, the receptive partner may kneel upright while the insertive partner pulls their wrists gently toward them. Standing rear entry proves the best position for shower sex, especially in tight corners.

Side Entry (Spooning)

Spooning makes up for lack of eye contact with intense, full-on body intimacy. Since both partners are facing the same direction, this sex position is great for watching porn together. Spooning during sexy time might entail both partners lying down, but the insertive partner can also kneel and penetrate from behind, or stand if their receptive partner is on a raised surface such as a bed or table.

Placing a pillow underneath the hips in this position (or in any position, really) can also help increase stimulation. To achieve changes in sensation, take turns spreading legs wide during penetration. If the receptive partner lies on their side with one leg forward, the insertive partner can kneel astride their other leg and bang away.  

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Receptive Partner on Top

Colloquially referred to as cowboy or cowgirl, this position allows the receptive partner to be in total control of depth, speed and angle of penetration. Partners may face away (reverse cowgirl/cowboy) or toward one another, depending on what kind of view is desired.

The receptive partner can change their positioning in several ways to alter sensations while on top of an insertive partner: They can kneel, arch back with hands on the ground, squat or bring their knees forward against the ground.

If the insertive partner lies with their upper back on a low platform (i.e. a couch, chair or bed) and feet flat on the floor, the receptive partner can straddle them and ride until the cows come home.


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