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Independent Student Newspaper Since 1969

The Badger Herald


Hump Day: How to save water, get dirty

Stay safe and get wet with hot and steamy shower sex
Hump Day: How to save water, get dirty
Photo courtesy of

Running out of places to do the dirty? It might be time to clean up your act! The shower plays a huge role in all sorts of pornography; in this fantasy world, everyone glistens with soapy suds and never slips. Shower sex can be a little trickier than these actors make it seem, but Hump Day has a few tricks to getting that fantastic, slippery sexy time you’ve always dreamed of.

After an exhausting day, lathering each other up can be just what one needs to relax. Water creates a uniquely sexy environment for all sorts of folks in all sorts of sexual relationships, including those ridin’ solo. Sexy showering also makes great foreplay. Beginning or ending in the shower can be just as hot, utilizing the sink and bathroom floor to amplify your experience. The shower is also great for those worried about mess. Period sex, rimjobs and other sloppy activities can be less intimidating in the shower.

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Sexy shower suggestions

  • Bring a bath toy. Rubber ducky does make bath time lots of fun — especially if that ducky is a vibrator. Make sure that all toys are waterproof. If you’re feeling kinky, suction cup thigh cuffs, collars and handcuffs can be used in the shower.
  • Use the showerhead. Angle the water pressure to stimulate different areas, change the stream or detach it to spray those hard to reach areas.
  • Have a wet tshirt contest. Wearing a white t-shirt or tank top in the shower adds a whole new visual element.
  • Put on a show. Everyone looks sexy soaking wet. Angle the water to run down yourself, have a little solo fun and then welcome your partner to join in. Pressing chests and booties against glass shower doors can be particularly sexy.
  • Spanking. The noise of a hand connecting with a butt is already erotic intensified in water.
  • Don’t leave anyone in the cold. Share the warm stream of water to avoid teeth chattering or use a dual showerhead. But cool water might be just what you need for those hot summer days.

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Get steamy safely

For a klutz like myself, slipping and falling is always a concern. If the shower floor is very slippery, consider purchasing a rubber mat or laying down a towel to provide some texture. Sportsheets even sells single and dual locking suction handles to provide leverage and support. Consider waiting to suds up until after any penetration, since soap can sting and dry out our most delicate private parts. Although we may feel cleaner in the shower, STI’s still have the potential to be passed along, so make sure to use a barrier method. It is important to note that condoms can slip off or degrade in the shower, so use a second mode of pregnancy and STI prevention.

Although it may seem that water will render lube unnecessary, quite the opposite is true. Water washes away all our natural lubricants and hot water can dry up your moisture. Use silicone-based lubricant, since it is waterproof and stays more slippery for longer. Just be extra careful not to spill any lube on the shower floor – a trip to the hospital can easily ruin the mood. And for those Badgers living in housing: no, you are not supposed to have sex in dorm showers. Not only is it against the rules, but all those other people in the showers can hear you, and chances are they did not consent to eavesdropping on someone getting laid. Plus if you slip and fall your house fellow will be the one who finds you — which is less certainly less than sexy.

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Shower-friendly positions

The biggest obstacle in shower sex is finding the right position. Although these focus on penetrative positions, hooking up in the shower goes beyond insertion. Experiment with each other, and remember that height disparities may affect which positions work. If one person is taller, have the shorter person keep their legs closer together while the taller partner squats slightly. An inexpensive shower stool can make a difference, too.

  • Standing rear entry. The receptive partner spreads their legs and faces away from the insertive partner with hands against the shower wall.
  • Standing. The receptive partner stands up straight with back against the wall, lifts a leg and wraps it around the insertive partner’s waist. If the insertive partner presses their hands against the wall the receptive partner leans on, this may improve control and balance.
  • Leg lift. The receptive partner simply lifts their leg and places it on the edge of the bathtub as if going for a shave. This position can be risky, so make sure you have something to hold on to. The insertive partner stands in front with two feet on the ground.
  • Receptive partner on top. This position always works and greatly reduces risk of slippage. The insertive partner sits on the floor of the tub with legs stretched out (or bent if they are tall). The receptive partner straddles and enjoys the feeling of falling water on their back.
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