The snow is melting (for the second time) and the days are getting longer, which means one thing: Spring has finally arrived. A new season also means something even better: a different batch of seasonals.
After having lots of porters and stouts all winter, breweries around Madison and Wisconsin as a whole have released new spring seasonals that range from IPA’s to Maibocks.Without further ado, here are five spring seasonals you can grab at your favorite liquor store in town to enjoy while FACing or putting off that last paper before the semester’s over.
Diablo Belga, by Ale Asylum
Dubbel, 9.2 percent ABV
Rich, toasty malty notes, with slight fruit and spice aroma that gives it a sweet smell.
Deep Amber color with a slight off-white head.
Spice and fruit aroma transfers well, and there’s a rich caramel flavor that comes through from the malts.
Room Temperature Taste
Caramel flavor dominates throughout much more than when freshly opened.
A new Ale Asylum beer for me, this one was a pleasant surprise. This definitely rivals as one of my absolute favorites from Ale Asylum, and any beer connoisseur needs to check it out before it’s gone for the season.
Rating: 4.25/5
Maibockà, by Capital Brewing
Maibock, 6.2 percent ABV
Bready smell comes through strongest, with slight caramel notes. There’s a solid balance between hops and malts throughout.
Orange coloring with a solid white head.
The balance between the hops and malts transfers well from the nose, with maltiness continuing through the finish. Caramel transfers well, but not as strong as on the nose.
Room Temperature Taste
Maltiness begins to get a little stronger as the beer sits.
A great seasonal from Capital Brewery, this Maibock is a little different from others I’ve tried. Great to try if you’re into the lighter fare.
Rating: 3.75/5
Illumination Double IPA, by Central Waters
American Double IPA, 9.0 percent ABV
Citrus and Tropical fruit notes, with a slight hint of maltiness
Burnt, hazy orange with a very small white head
Hoppiness is quite strong throughout, with maltiness just barely coming through. Piney and floral flavors dominate the hop flavors.
Room Temperature Taste
Beer begins to be a little bitterer as the malty flavor begins to fade
Not my favorite Imperial I’ve tried or favorite I’ve had from Central Waters, but still a worthy seasonal.
Rating: 3.5/5
Maibock, by Lakefront Brewery
Maibock, 6.8 percent ABV
Bready notes come through strong, with slight spiciness as well.
A deep gold color with a small off-white head.
The breadiness comes through up front and continues throughout, with some slight fruity flavors as well. Spiciness is a lot stronger than expected on the backbone, combined with a slight bitterness.
Room Temperature Taste
Breadiness begins to fade up front, but the balance of flavors stays strong.
Lakefront is one of the premier craft brewers in Milwaukee, and for good reason. This Maibock combines lots of flavors together, but balances them out for a great finished product.
Rating: 4/5
Dancing Man Wheat, by New Glarus Brewing Company
Hefeweizen, 7.2 percent ABV
A sweet and fruity aroma comes through strong, with hints of banana. Cinnamon notes come through as well.
A deep lemon color with a thick white head.
Strong wheat flavors mix very well with the banana and fruitiness from the nose to give this a very distinct and smooth flavor.
Room Temperature Taste
As the beer begins to lose carbonation, spiciness begins to pick up on the backbone.
Traditionally, I’m not a very big Hefeweizen fan because I can find the banana flavors to be a bit too intense. However, this Hefeweizen from New Glarus has a balanced and smooth flavor is very satisfying, and great for this time of year.
Rating: 4.25/5
Le Printemps, by Door County Brewing
Farmhouse Ale, 6.0 percent ABV
Herbal and fruitiness comes through strong with slight bready notes.
Deep orange-peach color with a solid white head.
Herbal flavors from the nose transfer well, with the fruitiness coming through faintly.
Room Temperature Taste
Breadiness begins to come through as the beer sits.
Door County produces a refreshing and satisfying farmhouse every season. This perfectly compliments the weather and season in which it falls.