Forty-two UW-Madison female faculty members will receive pay adjustments in accordance with the university’s gender equality efforts.
UW-Madison administrators recently completed a review of 117 women who were nominated, either personally or by their peers, claiming questionable salary levels with respect to their male counterparts.
The review is another step in an ongoing study attempting to equalize pay between genders and improve campus climate.
“Equity, and a positive climate in general, help us achieve and maintain our excellence in teaching, research and service,” UW provost Peter Spear said. “Salary equity and a positive campus climate benefit everyone by helping to improve our institution.”
A 1992 study found a significant gap in salaries between genders on campus. The study prompted the Faculty Senate to approve a plan for individual salary reviews, which resulted in 372 salary increases, totaling $830,000.
A follow-up study was completed in 1995. This study showed no visible gender gap, but the Senate recommended monitoring the situation.
An outside consultant was hired to review the 1998 study, which yielded similar results. The consultant advised that while the studies did not reveal an overall problem, inequality could still exist on an individual basis.
“Our university is one of a handful of research institutions that can boast of a long commitment to gender pay equity,” said Linda Greene, associate vice chancellor in the office of the provost and coordinator of the exercise.
Based on the consultant’s advice, the provost’s office asked deans and department chairs to nominate women whose salaries they felt were questionable. Women could also request their own reviews.
As a result of the study, 42 female faculty members received raises at a mean of $5,000 each. The total payroll for female faculty increased by $200,000 for the 2000-2001 school year.
Spear said the exercise should be viewed as part of a continuous effort to address pay equity. Discussions are underway to ensure issues of equity become a routine consideration as part of the annual performance and salary review process, Spear said.
“As part of the ongoing effort to address campus climate, we’ll be looking for ways to assess equity in salaries throughout the university community,” Spear said. “We want to embed pay equity in our culture so that it is not necessary to carry out periodic special exercises to adjust for equity slippage.”