Global warming discussions have moved away from debates about its existence. We’re now committed to discovering the most effective methods to prevent further transformation of our climate. One company — Madison Gas and Electric — has been doing its part to combat climate change for the last decade, by offering customers a chance to pay a little extra each month to receive energy from cleaner sources. This “Green Power Tomorrow” initiative has helped gain MG&E recognition from the U.S. Department of Energy, which recently awarded them its Utility Green Power Program of the Year Award. On average, those who take this option through MG&E only pay about $6 more — a small price to pay considering this is a topic of paramount importance currently affecting our generation.
True, this small act alone may not save us from the looming threat of the melting polar ice caps, but it is definitely a step in the right direction. It is a decidedly more proactive approach to climate change, something we should strive for when concerning matters that affect the entire globe. We cannot afford to take a reactionary approach and simply wait until the problem comes knocking on our door..
Perhaps the effects of climate change have already reached the point of no return, leaving us at the mercy of angry old Mother Nature. Or maybe it will be several generations until the true fury of global warming is unleashed. Either way, I am not willing to leave the matter up to chance only to find out all along we should have taken Al Gore a little more seriously.
(He’s super serial, guys) If not for my own sake or my children’s sake, then we should act at least for the polar bears. They are just too darn cute, and I cannot bear the image of those beautiful creatures struggling in the ocean with no iceberg to cling to.
Those who grumble at the thought of higher energy bills may be in for a rude awakening in the near future. New legislation, which has already passed in the U.S. House of Representatives, is currently passing through the Senate and could translate to much higher energy costs for Wisconsin. The legislation will surely impact the Badger State, which currently relies heavily on coal as a source of energy.
It seems either way, we will be paying for our mistakes. But we can pay for them monetarily or at the cost of further climate change. Most of us can live with less money, but without a planet to call home, it will be impossible to carry on with life as we know it. Yet curiously, when it comes to parting with our hard-earned cash, the threat of the apocalypse is not always enough to encourage us to act responsibly. So Wisconsin needs to prepare for serious hikes in energy costs.
It only takes a quick glance at your expensive utility bill to conclude that reducing energy use is an effective strategy. The age-old strategy of donning a sweater (or Snuggie!) to keep the thermostat low may help alleviate some of the hardship associated with higher energy costs. However, given the cold nature of Wisconsin winters, the thermostat can only be kept so low. At some point we will need to pay for the irresponsible choices of our ancestors. Kudos to MG&E and those citizens who have already opted to reduce carbon emissions and promote cleaner energy.
Holly Hartung ([email protected]) is a sophomore with an undecided major.