In response to “Why we should worry about the weather” by Courtney Ehlers:
An increase in temperature will not cause problems with disease carrying mosquitoes. It would increase the number of mosquitoes but I doubt there would be any significant increase in diseases carried by mosquitoes. Besides, the only disease carried by mosquitoes in this area is west nile. Seems like you just put together a bunch of facts from various sources and tried to make them into an article. Nice try…
In response to “Election is little more than color” by Patrick Johnson:
Red and blue don’t matter any more, only green matters. The next presidental candidates will need to raise a billion dollars for their campaigns. Barack Obama has destroyed campaign finance regulation in this country for a generation. We have learned from the Obama campaign’s exploitation of the small donor loophole that current law has destroyed transparency in campaign finance. That allows foreigners to finance American elections without Americans knowing it. Obama wins thru dirty money and vote fraud, what a lesson for next time. I guess that’s no big surprise, after all it is the Chicago Way.
In response to “Voting: A civic duty” by Lori Berquam and Matt Wendt:
Voting is not a duty, but it is a right. Part of our conception of rights is the freedom to not express them. As such, go forward and vote for my candidate, but if you disagree with me, freedom sure is a wonderful thing.