In response to “Progressive cause ignored by Dems” by Kyle Szarzynski:
Kyle, Where did I miss Barack’s intergration[sic] into the “corporate and military establishment[sic]?” His record as a community organizer and his “bottom-up” mentality are already sending a record amount of people to the polls(see: Georgia). The only thing military about him is the effiency[sic] in which his grassroots campaign has been run.
In response to “ACORN unintentionally fraudulent” by Ryan Masse:
Unintentionally fraudulent? Are you kidding me? How can you allow millions of illegal voters to be registered and not know it? You’d have to be totally stupid to pull that off! I also hope you realize that ACORN is providing Bush and the GOP precisely the excuse they need to call off the election so Bush and his cronies can stay in office a little while longer. Or at least nullify the election results.
In response to “Sex offender mandate threatens liberty” by Sam Clegg:
Surely these modern-day lepers will not have to pay the taxes to support parks they cannot go to or schools they cannot attend! Is this consitutional[sic]? Or doesn’t that document matter anymore? Does the government give out handbooks listing each city and state and what freedoms each have taken away from one select group? This reeks of intellectual vapidity and emotional fear-mongering. Terrorists are surely treated more humanely.
In response to “Criticizing cops will not stop assaults” by Laura Brennan:
Good points made, but the fact still remains that the MPD’s priorities are completely out of order. They’re focusing on getting arrest numbers up instead of making the streets safer, there are certainly a number of people who, when drunk, should be arrested, but I’d rather have the streets being watched by cops then yet another random party busted because they suspect underagers of drinking.
In response to “No vacancy for blacks in GOP” by Gerald Cox:
What utter, ill-conceived garbage. If you truly believe that nonsense you need to widen your scope of experience and associates. If you wish to conclude that because a few people say things at an open, unedited forum that it makes republicans and the party racist then admit that it’s because you want to make that leap.
Shall I infer that democrats are Communists because Castro and Chavez want Obama to win? Or shall I infer that he’s anti-Israel because Palestinians prefer him to win? Admit it: you’re just looking for an excuse to support Obama and this is convenient.
If Obama has kept an Arabic-sounding name during a time when America’s at war with terrorists, that’s his crescent to bear. If he consorted with Odinga, Dorn, and Ayers, that’s his problem not ours. If you wish to disassociate yourself from Michael Steele, Thomas Sowell, Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell, and numerous other black Republicans, just go and do it. But your column is disingenuous at best. It feeds on stereotypes and is short on truth.