Our concern with Adam Lichtenheld’s opinion column on Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week ("’Awareness’ weak on Islamic reality," Oct. 17) lies in the conclusion that “campus groups like Hillel and College Republicans should take the initiative to co-sponsor an event…”
This comment suggests that Hillel had something to do with bringing David Horowitz to campus, and that as a Jewish organization, it is the responsibility of Hillel to justify and defend Mr. Horowitz. In reality, Hillel made a point of not associating itself with the speaker because it was deemed that his ideology does not represent our views.
Clearly, the author has little understanding of what Hillel actually is and the purpose of the organization. Hillel is an umbrella, community-center-like establishment that attempts to cover all aspects of Jewish involvement and interests — ranging from issues around the environment to socials to issues around Israel. Hillel is neither bringing Mr. Horowitz here, nor endorsing him, and it is unfair to clump Hillel with the College Republicans — who are sponsoring the events — and make them seem like a singular identity on the topic of Zionism and policy in Israel.
This assumption is ignorant and typical and only propagates bigoted ideas, like the concept of Islamo-fascism, that certain members of a group are capable of representing the thoughts of an entire community.
Sam Chasin,
Student Intern, UW Hillel