In response to "UW Socialist noble but wrong" by Corey Sheahan:
Wow, an econ major writing a column about the FREE MARKET? I’m shocked.
Soviets, Cubans, and Chinese… Ooh, we wouldn’t want to be like them. I guess you made your point without any possible counterpoint. Love, Europe and Canada.
Hey, for all you ardent free marketers out there, remember this: Libertarianism is nothing more than right-wing socialism. Both sound good in practice, both rely on humans to behave in a way that they never do, and both always fail in practice.
How sweet would an ISO-Spart cage match be?
In response to "Hahn's rhetoric obscures 9/11 lessons" by Paul Heideman:
A million Iraqi’s? Wow. Where’d you get that? That’s more inflated than Al Sharpton’s ego/hair.
In response to "9/11 a day for remembrance" by Mike Hahn:
Giuliani wants to be elected your next surrogate father.
In response to "A call for objectivity" by Jesse Allhands:
Whatever country made Bin Laden and Hussein powerful should be ashamed.
Bush planned 9/11, we never landed on the moon, FDR knew about Pearl Harbor, the earth is flat.
In response to "Leaving children, rationality behind" by Bassey Etim:
Everyone knows that K12 “education” is only a clever disguise for daycare. Think of all the parents who would have to quit their jobs to take care of children if there wasn’t a state-mandated babysitter ready and willing to mold little Billy’s mind into a God-fearing patriot.