In response to "Allen best choice for mayor in primary" by The Badger Herald Editorial Board:
Ah, the curse of the Badger Herald. Until today, I thought for sure that Allen would get through the primary with Cheesewiz, but now I'm not so sure. At the very least, this condemns him to getting absolutely destroyed in the general election.
In response to "Jimmy Carter confronts fallacies of pro-Israel lobby" by Kyle Szarzynski:
In an olive-branch gesture, Israel completely pulled out of Gaza. How have Palestinians reacted? With increased Qussam attacks on Gaza-boder areas and elevated rhetoric and militant force in the region. Still waiting on their peace gesture……
Kyle, you fail to mention any part abot what the actual offer was. Are you aware, that 97% of the West Bank was offered to the Palestinian people with a joint capital in Jerusalem? And you say this was rightfully rejected? Are you also aware that Yasser Arafat died as one of the richest men in the world, while his people live in these terrible conditions that you speak about?
In response to "Woods deserves students' vote for aldermanic race" by Andy Granias:
Lauren Woods' safety strategy to increase lighting has been found in numerous government studies to actually INCREASE muggings because the students are illuminated. Did you look into this Andy?
Can you hear it? Yes, those are the sounds of the typing masses of Eli Lewien and his College Democrat brigade, swiftly descending upon Mr. Granias like thieves in the night. Their weapon of choice? The ever-dreaded Badger Herald comment board! Beware of their petty sarcasm good writer, beware.
The Badger Herald comment board is hilarious.
In response to "Paper's response to alleged rape unfair" by Daniel Kitzis:
umm, a new group of victims, please. the paper was right to report on the schools reaction to a news story and if part of that reaction was that the frat will be punished for having underagers drinking (no matter where the alcohol came from) at their house then including that in the article is fair game.