We at University Health Services were alarmed to see the recent installment of the cartoon "Wacky Fun Whitey" by Benjamin Schwartz. The cartoon depicts a man beating a "militant lesbian." It should come as no surprise that the cartoon offended many people, many of whom have responded at the institutional level. Those who have expressed their outrage in writing and/or pulled advertising from your publication so far include the LGBT Campus Center and Outreach and PAVE (Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment). The feeling in the community, which UHS shares, is that you had every right to publish the cartoon, but that it was in poor taste to do so.
UHS advertises consistently in The Badger Herald. And though your paper and our health service have had differences at times, we've generally enjoyed a healthy, mutually beneficial relationship. But this cartoon puts us in a difficult position. UHS takes seriously its charge to help foster a safe environment for all students on this campus. Without that basic guarantee of safety, we cannot have a healthy campus where students are free to grow and learn. And though this might be "just a cartoon," violence against lesbians and gays is too real to be a laughing matter.
We've grappled with our choices and have decided this: UHS will not advertise in The Badger Herald for any issue related to LGBT rights, sexual assault or healthy sexuality. Since April is both Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Out and About month, this will severely curtail our advertising for the remainder of the semester. In the summer, we'll reassess the situation. A public statement from the Herald expressing an understanding of the offense, at least, would begin to make amends.
This might seem punitive. And we do intend the measure to convey our displeasure. However, it's also a practical decision. We often partner with student organizations in our prevention campaigns. We listen carefully to students as we craft our goals and messages. We count on students to help execute these campaigns as well. It's clear that The Badger Herald has alienated most, if not all, of our key partners working on Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Sexual Health Week. And, therefore, The Badger Herald is not currently a viable channel for communicating around those issues.
To end on a more positive note, we do appreciate the Herald's willingness to engage in a dialogue on this issue. We hope future good relations with the paper can be restored. However, at this point, we must respect our partners, our constituents and our own integrity.
Kathleen M. Poi, M.S., R.N.
Executive Director
University Health Services