Gays are taking over this country faster than you can say Soddom and Gomorrah. Don't believe me? Just ask Focus on the Family's Dr. James Dobson, who outed Spongebob Squarepants last year, aligning the yellow cartoon sponge with the "pro-homosexual" crowd based on Spongebob's appearance in a four-minute video promoting "tolerance" to elementary school students. The video also featured other quasi Richard Simmons-like characters, such as Barney the Dinosaur and Winnie the Pooh, who were all singing along to the incredibly homosexual '70s disco hit, "We are Family." Spongebob was literally caught with his pants down, and Dobson was not about to let that back-door con artist take another blow at the children of this country without a fight. By the way, Spongebob frequently holds hands with his starfish friend named Patrick on his cartoon show. Wink, wink.
PBS's cartoon character, Buster the Bunny, is Exhibit B in the homo-fascism era. Last year, Buster caused a stir in a "Postcards From Buster" episode, where Buster goes to visit two lesbian bunny couples in the same-sex union state of Vermont. The main premise of the show was to showcase the little bunny's education on farm life and maple sugaring, but don't tell that to Education Secretary Margaret Spellings, who urged PBS affiliates not to air the episode, stating: "Many parents would not want their young children exposed to the lifestyles portrayed in the episode." PBS was clearly trying to convert six-year-old girls into lipstick lesbians. Hey, at least they used Buster the Bunny instead of Buster the Beaver.
Another example of the Will and Grace-like destruction of America is illustrated in Kraft's charitable support of this summer's "2006 Gay Games" in Chicago, which gives gay athletes a chance to showcase their talents in various sporting competitions. The American Family Association sent out a letter to its over 2 million members, telling them not to purchase products from Kraft or its subsidiary company, Madison-based Oscar Mayer foods, which the AFA said were both aligning with the "radical homosexual agenda" by supporting the Gay Games. Geez, I hope the games don't feature the two-man bobsled or women's rugby! I guess I can see how Kraft Mac and Cheese might not set off the AFA's gaydar, but Oscar Mayer hot dogs? You've got to be kidding!
Fast forward to this past weekend for the most recent example of a company aligning itself with the deceptive cause of "diversity" (which is really just a code word for the radical, ultra-liberal, Ru Paul agenda). The Middleton-based, popular doll-making company American Girl has aligned with Girls Inc. in a charitable cause to sell "I Can" wristbands, where a portion of the proceeds goes toward funding Girls Inc. Girls Inc. is an organization that the Mississippi-based AFA calls a "pro-abortion, pro-lesbian advocacy group," in a report from the Associated Press.
Girls Inc. is a national nonprofit youth organization with the mission of "inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold," and its very existence is causing all sorts of backaches among the far-religious right. The organization was founded in 1864 and is well-known for helping girls in low-income, underprivileged neighborhoods achieve their dreams through education and philanthropic funding.
Pro-Life Action League executive director Ann Scheidler echoes the AFA's sentiment, telling the Associated Press, "Parents need to know that this effort to promote self-esteem among girls is not as innocent as it seems." The pro-sodomy forces seem to be gaining power, trying to turn the American Girl's coral pink taffeta gown-wearing Elizabeth doll into an earth gray comfortable shoes wearing Liz doll.
My sarcasm throughout this piece and use of stereotypes was blatant to make a greater point. Some on the far-religious right are so absurdly paranoid that they completely undermine the overall message of religion, which is based on tolerance. As far as I know, Girls Inc. has never performed an abortion or converted a straight girl into a lesbian. Kraft has never made anyone gay. Buster the Bunny hasn't ever pushed for comfortable shoes in place of high heels. Spongebob has never turned sports-loving boys into TLC's "Wedding Story" fanatics.
I'm a heterosexual, practicing Catholic, and I always have been attracted to women regardless of the food I ate or cartoons I watched. Thank God I never played with dolls as a kid!
In all seriousness, this obsession with gays and pro-choice people has gotten so ridiculous that it has become absolutely hilarious to watch. Most religious people don't obsess about these issues the way "religious" radicals do. After all, Jesus talked much more about helping out the poor than anything else, as is evident by the over 10,000 references to poverty in the Bible. I don't think he would waste much time worrying about a local doll-manufacturing company, although we'll have to wait and see if American Girl releases its Susie the Softball lesbian doll anytime soon!
Casey Hoff ([email protected]) is a UW student and host of "New Ground with Casey Hoff," live Monday through Friday, 9-11 a.m., on Madison 1670 The Pulse.