Today John Kerry and the Democrats are inviting everyone to the polls. And we mean it. We want every student’s vote on this campus to be counted.
We have made it our mission these past few months to run a campaign that speaks to all voters. Our opponents have failed to address the needs of our diverse society. You know something’s not right when the party in charge has to hope that entire demographics of people won’t vote: Women. The LGBT community. People with disabilities. Students. People of color. Seniors. The middle class.
The Republicans have already lost the race on the issues, so they’re trying to keep Democrats from voting. We’ve even seen this unethical activity right here in the state of Wisconsin. Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker reduced Milwaukee’s ballot request by 259,000 ballots in an effort to suppress votes. The remaining ballots weren’t printed until African American students and elected officials protested the county’s decision.
Matt Holsen, a student at this university, attempted to weaken the Democratic vote by collecting 600 of the more than 3,000 signatures on Ralph Nader’s nomination papers that proved to be circulated by Wisconsin GOPers.
And perhaps my favorite recent episode: the College Republicans, with the go-ahead from the Magnum campaign, circulated literature to our dorms with misleading information about polling places on election day. Shame on them. Students on this campus deserve better.
Democrats want you to get out and vote today no matter whom you are voting for. But let me share with you why I’m supporting John Kerry for president of the United States. John Kerry has devoted his years of public service to equality for all, respect for the environment, a sound economy, excellent education and a strong reputation in the world community. John Kerry is ready and equipped to continue fighting for these causes as president of the United States.
John Kerry is the logical choice for students. His plans are aimed at ensuring that everyone, regardless of background, has an equal opportunity to attend college. Tuition costs have risen 35 percent nationwide under George Bush’s watch, placing an unfair economic burden on college students and their families. John Kerry has plans to offer more federal money for education to the states, tax incentives for families, service programs for students and increased grant funding to make college more affordable and accessible for all students. This is why students support John Kerry and why Republicans don’t want them to vote.
John Kerry is the logical choice for students of color. He is a lifelong supporter of affirmative action. George Bush, on the other hand, announced his opposition to the University of Michigan Affirmative Action program on Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, calling it a “quota.” John Kerry will continue to defend affirmative action to reduce inequality and expand opportunity. This is why students of color support John Kerry and why Republicans don’t want them to vote.
John Kerry is the logical choice for the LGBT community and their allies. He opposes the Federal Marriage Amendment, voted against the Defense of Marriage Act and supports full benefits (except marriage) for domestic partners. George Bush wants to amend the Constitution to ban gay marriage. John Kerry opposes the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, is a leader in employee anti-discrimination policy, introduced legislation to fund the global fight against HIV/AIDS and is an original co-sponsor of the Hate Crimes Prevention Bill. This is why the LGBT community and their allies support John Kerry and why Republicans don’t want them to vote.
John Kerry is the logical choice for women and for anyone who respects women’s rights. He respects a woman’s right to choose and will require insurance plans to cover contraception. He respects women as equal partners in today’s workforce, unlike George Bush, who put an end to the Equal Pay Initiative. John Kerry won’t stand by while women earn only 0.77 on each dollar men make. John Kerry will fight to defend and expand Title IX programming for women athletes. This is why women and those who respect women’s rights support John Kerry and why Republicans don’t want them to vote.
John Kerry is the logical choice for protecting America’s large scope of identities. While his opponents may not like it, he really represents the American people. I appreciate that, which is why I cast my ballot for John Kerry. I encourage you to get out and vote and join me in casting your ballot for John Kerry today.
Elizabeth Sanger ([email protected]) is the campus chair of College Democrats.