John Kerry keeps telling us he “has a plan”. But what is it? He apparently doesn’t know himself, as became apparent in his speech yesterday in Englewood, Colorado:
“And I’ll have to wait until January 20th. I don’t know what I’m going to find on January 20th, the way the President is going. If the President just does more of the same every day and it continues to deteriorate, I may be handed Lebanon, figuratively speaking. Now, I just don’t know. I can’t tell you. What I’ll tell you is, I have a plan. ”
This is laughable, and it’s a wonder anyone takes him seriously on foreign policy. It’s easy to be a senator and a Monday morning quarterback. It’s another to be president and have to make decisions.
Whether you agree with President Bush’s foreign policy or not, you know what it is, and anyone who reads the Duelfer report entirely sees that President Bush was absolutely correct, even knowing what we know now. The most important part of the report (and the part that the media wing of the Democratic party is not reporting) is the details of the oil for food scandal and the involvement of our allies (?) France and Germany. With the involvement of France, Germany, and Russia, leaving Saddam Hussein alone would have been the worst possible thing to do. Talk about “the coerced and bribed”- France was being paid off to veto any U.N. resolution authorizing force! We now know who we ultimately would be siding with if we would have sided with France and Germany.
Incidentally, I absolutely agree with Rob Hunter about the impact this election will have on the Judiciary. This is one of the oldest Supreme Courts ever. Unlike, Rob, however, I think this makes it imperative to re-elect President Bush, and that is one of my main reasons for doing so.