On a campus in one of the most liberal cities in the nation, one might be surprised to find one of the most robust College Republican chapters in the nation. College Republicans of the University of Wisconsin fosters conservative thought and friendships on campus while allowing members to help elect Republican leaders and learn more about state and national politics.
College Republicans has hosted dozens of speakers of state and national significance including Gov. Scott Walker, U.S. Senate candidate Leah Vukmir and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. We also host events that allow like-minded students to get to know each other including a day at the gun range, a trip to a Brewers game and study nights. Additionally, our members have the opportunity to volunteer with the Republican Party of Wisconsin, giving them the opportunity to play a role in historic elections that determine our most influential leaders.
The 2018 midterm election is slated to be one of the most contentious and historic elections in our lifetime. The Democratic Party is attempting (and failing) to attack conservative reforms on the basis that they aren’t working. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
Republican accomplishments have delivered successes for Americans everywhere. Republicans in Washington have confirmed an Associate Justice to the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, passed a historic tax reform package that cuts taxes for an estimated 90 percent of Americans with a success that is expected to continue to build and removed the red tape on American businesses.
Right here in Wisconsin, conservatives like Gov. Scott Walker and U.S. Senate candidate Leah Vukmir, R-Brookfield, have championed reforms that invested more in K-12 schools than ever before, frozen tuition for UW students for six consecutive years and produced a larger-than-expected surplus that has been reinvested in Wisconsin families.
These bold conservative reforms allow the U.S. and Wisconsin to continue to thrive. The U.S. economy is booming and Wisconsin’s unemployment rate is at an all-time low. The 2018 midterm elections are going to be critical in order to ensure that these reforms continue, and right here on campus, you have the chance to be a part of it.
The Republican Party is a party of opportunity that encourages growth and wants every single American to be able to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our party supports the rule of law, strong borders and seeks to protect the intentions of the United States Constitution. It is a party that believes that American exceptionalism is only achieved when citizens are allowed to make decisions for themselves. Republicans seek to ensure American prosperity through limited government, low-spending and freedom.
Don’t be fooled, young Republicans exist and we show up in force to the polls. Right here in the state of Wisconsin, both Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, and President Donald Trump won the youth vote in 2016.
Our members are deeply committed to sifting and winnowing for the truth during their time in college, and College Republicans provides an environment where they are challenged to do just that. Our chapter is filled with Republicans with views across the conservative spectrum — ranging from traditional conservatives to neo-cons to moderate thinkers. Even though we might disagree from time to time, College Republicans is a place where these opinions are not only tolerated but welcomed.
College Republicans also provides many professional opportunities for students, even for those that don’t necessarily want to pursue a career in politics. Our members can further their involvement in Republican politics through internships, volunteer opportunities, conferences, our annual trip to the Conservative Political Action Conference and conventions and meetings with other College Republicans from across the state.
In bipartisan effort, College Democrats, Republicans place flags for 9/11 victims
At a College Republicans meeting, I can personally guarantee you that you will find engaging and dynamic speakers, wonderful people, pizza and common sense. It is one of the few places I’ve found on campus where differing opinions are enthusiastically welcomed and encouraged. Joining College Republicans was one of the best decisions I have made since starting at UW, and I am so thankful for the experiences I have gained because of it thus far. I am extremely excited for what another year of the best party on campus will hold during this historic season.
You can always find the most up-to-date information for our events on our Facebook page, Twitter, and Instagram.
Alesha Guenther (aguenther2@wisc.edu) is a junior majoring in journalism and mass communications. She is also the Communications Director for the College Republicans of UW-Madison.