Higher taxes, liberal special interest money and a strong disregard for military veterans and hard-working families. These are just a few of the peachy things that highlight Sen. Tammy Baldwin’s leadership in the U.S. Senate. The 2018 elections are no longer approaching — they are here and it’s crucial that voters know the truth about their elected officials, including Taxin’ Tammy.
Baldwin’s first major offense? Voting in favor of higher taxes and fees more than 400 times. As a U.S. Senator, Baldwin’s got money on her mind — and all she wants is yours. Baldwin was also strongly opposed to President Trump’s tax reform plan that has saved hard-working Wisconsin families thousands of dollars already. Wisconsin, if you like your pockets empty and your money going toward the federal government, make sure to vote for Baldwin.
Second, Baldwin’s treatment of our men and women who’ve selflessly served our great country is egregious. In 2014, Baldwin’s office received a whistleblower report which revealed issues over the treatment of veterans at the Tomah Veterans Association, yet her office delayed acknowledging these reports. The Union President of the Tomah VA Medical Center had tried to bring the abuses to the attention of congressional Democrats for months, yet Democrats like Baldwin ignored these alerts and didn’t address the issue until after the death of a 35-year old Marine in 2015. Our men and women who have served deserve the greatest respect for their sacrifices — they don’t deserve to be left behind by corrupt politicians like Baldwin.
Third, Baldwin has stood by one of the biggest policy disasters of our time, Obamacare. Even as Obamacare was failing, and major insurance companies were pulling out of different markets all across the country, Baldwin continued to vouch for Obamacare. After health insurance premium rates skyrocketed in Wisconsin over the past year, it’s predicted that Obamacare premiums would increase by another 36 percent in 2018. In addition, Baldwin has stood by liberal extremists like Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, and Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vermont, on a single-payer government-run health care plan that would be even more disastrous than Obamacare.
As we address all these issues, we look to Republican leaders in hopes of finding a reliable replacement. Lucky for us, Republicans have two great candidates to choose from.
Sen. Leah Vukmir, R-Brookfield, is a daughter of immigrants, a military mom and nurse who first got involved in politics after becoming concerned with a teaching practice in her daughter’s classroom. This involvement led her to run for the state legislature, where she continued to stand up for Wisconsin parents and their families. While serving as a state representative, she stood for the right to work, school choice, frozen University of Wisconsin tuition, tax cuts and the sanctity of life. On the federal level, Vukmir plans on building upon these accomplishments by repealing Obamacare, supporting small government and defending our Constitution. Vukmir has strongly criticized Baldwin for standing with elites in Washington and aligning herself with the most liberal wing of the Democratic Party instead of supporting policies that support Wisconsinites.
Kevin Nicholson is a Delafield businessman, a father to three and a former U.S. Marine who served combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. As a military veteran, Nicholson understands the importance of valuing and honoring our military men and women, unlike Baldwin. In addition, Nicholson’s military experience gives him insight on how important it is to strengthen and invest in our military all while improving our national security. Nicholson’s time in the private sector also sets him apart from career politicians like Baldwin, and gives him a respect for hard-working families.
Wisconsin needs a junior senator who will stand shoulder to shoulder with Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, to stand up for policies that will help Wisconsinites build their American dream.
We have a fight on our hands, it’s time to get voters energized and unite against liberal special interest forces. Spread the word and help us work tirelessly to get Tammy Baldwin out of the U.S. Senate.
Emelia Rohl (erohl@wisc.edu) is a senior majoring in journalism and mass communications. She is the Communications Director of College Republicans of UW-Madison.
Alesha Guenther (aguenther2@wisc.edu) is a sophomore majoring in journalism. She is also Deputy Communications Director for College Republicans.