The last time our audience heard from The Badger Herald Editorial Board was one week ago. Within those seven days, Madison — like much of the country — has erupted into protests sparked by the brutal death of George Floyd at the hands of police and fueled by the deaths of Breonna Taylor, James Scurlock, Ahmaud Arbery and far too many others.
The Editorial Board began this week by informing our audience that our lack of coverage at the outset of the protests was not because of apathy or indifference, but technological difficulties. As an organization, we understand that the choice to cover these protests and the way by which we cover them influences social discourse. Through accurate and nuanced reporting, we aim to elevate the ideas of the protestors — their grief, passion, anger and hope — in the marketplace of ideas to make Madison and the University of Wisconsin safe and equitable places for Black lives to prosper. Fortunately, our technical issues were quickly resolved, and our managing editors have attended and reported on every single protest since.
The timing of this statement — seven days into the protests — was deliberate. This Board is made up of white individuals and non-Black people of color, and as such, our voices should take a backseat to Black voices. As much as this paper reports on these protests and as much as our staff members individually educate themselves on how to be better allies and anti-racists, we acknowledge that many of us benefit from white privilege and we will never understand the struggle of Black Americans.
The Badger Herald Editorial Board proudly supports the Black Lives Matter movement. We are astounded by the activism, bravery and passion of Madison’s protesters in the fight for justice, racial equality and the end of police brutality.
There are many who will read this statement and question this paper’s objectivity. Let us be crystal clear — there is no other side to what is happening right now and to argue otherwise is to be a part of the problem. One of the guiding principles of ethical journalism is to minimize harm. In times like these, sliding into “bothsidesism” is directly harmful to Black bodies and people of color, which is the antithesis of ethical journalism.
The Badger Herald Editorial Board is privileged to have a platform to share stories that matter. To our Black brothers, sisters and gender-nonconforming friends: We see you. We hear you. We support you. Your lives, passions, beliefs and stories matter, and we want to use our platform — through our news reporting, letters to the editor and other methods — to amplify your voices. At the same time, we acknowledge that BIPOC should never have to justify their own humanity. We promise to pay greater attention to this truth to better serve the UW community.
We — The Badger Herald Editorial Board, the City of Madison, UW, Wisconsin and our nation as a whole — have so much to learn and do to dismantle the oppressive systems that have held Black Americans down for centuries. It is time to get to work.
The Badger Herald Editorial Board serves to represent the voice of the editorial department, distinct from the newsroom and does not necessarily reflect the views of each staff member.