In the election for Supreme Court justice, how you vote hinges on one thing: What your definition of “judicial activist” is.
Randy Koschnick, a
And he may be right. But we’ve seen no evidence Abrahamson has done any of those things. And given Koschnick’s backing from groups like the Christian-based Promise Keepers and Wisconsin Family Council, we’re not sure we believe his assertion that personal views on religion will not seep into future Supreme Court decisions.
This is especially concerning in light of a recent Supreme Court decision in neighboring
So, given Abrahamson’s time already on the bench and support from many respected law enforcement and legal professionals, we endorse Shirley Abrahamson.
Our decision to endorse is a pragmatic necessity. Reasoned, rational justices are needed on the state Supreme Court. But our idealistic sensibilities understand proper jurisprudence is not something voters are prepared to decide upon. Therefore, we reaffirm our desire to see the state switch to an appointed system of justices rather than the misdirected free-for-all we’ve seen recently.