It’s nearing March, so the snow, cold and general grossness of a Wisconsin winter is officially getting pretty fucking old. My nomination for the ABSOLUTE WORST part of winter: falling on your ass on hidden ice patches of doom.
In a 2012 video worth revisiting, YouTube user John Appleseed painstakingly documents unsuspecting souls eating shit on the exact same icy death trap (which appears to be on Gilman Street, right off the intersection with Broom and State). It’s prime real estate to film dozens of drunk people taking a digger for five minutes, only to overlay some chill tunes to complement your sweet vid.
“How much will it cost to let you tase him?” a man off-camera asks a Madison Police Department officer who approaches the merry filmmakers.
“YOU SUCK, YOU SUCK, YOU SUCK,” our director encourages these poor souls.
The momentary distraction of a police officer doesn’t last long as the bro artfully jerks his iPhone back just in time to capture a woman in a skirt lose her footing.
“THAT’S NATURE,” one of our (likely) drunken documentarians shouts.