The Student Services Finance Committee denied F.H. King’s budget change, heard an eligibility presentation for The Black Voice and voted to accept SPiLL’s late end of year report at Thursday night’s meeting.
The F.H King Students for Sustainable Agriculture requested an alteration in their previously proposed budget and SSFC voted to debate and vote on the issue. The proposed change would let F.H. King divert $200 from their Food Land and Society Film Screening program and put that money towards other programs.
SSFC voted to deny the change with a vote of 8-0-1. SSFC Rep. Logan Knochenmus voiced his concerns.
“I think it sets a dangerous precedent,” Knochenmus said.
The committee heard a presentation from The Black Voice for eligibility for General Student Services Fund money. The organization aims to support black journalists, create a space for open discussion between writers and maintain an online publication.
SSFC discusses ethical protocols for allocating student fees
The organization wants to hold writing labs on campus for all writers to discuss important topics and improve their skills. Additionally they aim to hold a Black Journalists Matter conference and create a publication called “The Green Book” to inform students of color about different organizations and events on campus that could help them transition to life on campus.
Co-editor in chief of The Black Voice Shiloah Coley spoke about the goals of her organization.
“We seek to nurture and support all writers and creators working to pursue a more just and equitable society,” Coley said.
SSFC also voted on whether or not to accept SPiLL’s late end-of-year report. They ultimately voted to accept the report with a vote of 8-0-1 after debate.
SPiLL is up for eligibility in the GSSF this year and an unaccepted report would have made the organization ineligible. The committee debated SPiLL’s eligibility for FY21, and denied it with a 0-7-2 vote. Monday, Sept. 23, they will vote on a summary of why the elegibility was denied.
SSFC Rep. Will Klos said SPiLL is an important organization for students, despite their mistakes.
“Despite having their end of year report turned in late, SPiLL does offer a very important outlet for students,” Klos said.
The next meeting will be Monday, September 23 at 6:30 p.m.