Associated Students of Madison Student Council met Tuesday to hear from the Rape Crisis Center, vote on two pieces of legislation and discuss the ASM internal budget proposal for 2019.
Rape Crisis Center Director of Client Programming, Jaime Sathasivam, and University Health Services Survivor Services coordinator, Jamie Temple, spoke to ASM regarding RCC’s contract with the university.
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While the RCC and UHS provide some services which are similar, there are important differences between the programs that make them distinct, Temple said. Having two different resources, one provided by the the county and one by the university, is crucial to survivors.
“For survivors, there’s not a one size fits all process and survivors deserve the ability to regain that sense of power and control,” Temple said.
RCC, unlike UHS, provides students with a 24-hour helpline, which is vital for campus, Temple said.
RCC also provides students and community members with a variety of services, including legal and medical, Sathasivam said.
The center receives a total estimate of $1.2 million per year from various sources, including the City of Madison, Dane County, and the Victims of Crime Act. RCC would like to keep its contact with ASM and continue its funding of $100,000 per year, Sathasivam said.
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For the 2019 budget, unlike in past years, allocable segregated fees and non-allocable segregated fees were separated because the Board of Regents now has a subcommittee to create uniform definitions of what’s considered allocable and non-allocable, Student Services Finance Committee Chair, Jordan Gaal, said.
“As a product of this decision, which will be voted on by the Regents in November, budget items such as permanent staff salaries and contacts are now considered non-allocable,” Gaal said.
Grant Allocation Committee Chair Rachel Widra also brought forth two pieces of legislation, the Diwali Night 2017 and the India Night 2017 grants, both of which passed in a vote of 17-0 and 18-0, respectively.