The Associated Students of Madison’s Student Services Finance Committee approved the budget for Supporting Peers In Laidback Listening for fiscal year 2014-2015 and heard a presentation on the Recreational Sports Master Plan in a meeting Monday.
Recreational Sports Master Plan
Recreational Sports Director John Horn presented the Rec Sports Facilities Master Plan. SSFC representatives had a spirited discussion before voting 12-0-0 to pass the Rec Sports Master Plan draft referendum language.
According to Horn, the master plan, which aims to increase indoor and outdoor recreational space, expand programming and gauge student interest will take approximately 30 years.
The master plan could increase the segregated fees up to $108 per student per semester, which is $71.22 higher than the current fee, Horn said.
However, Horn said seg fees will not continue to be raised throughout.
Rep. Elizabeth Olsen said she was concerned about when the new fee would initially increase if the plan were approved and whether it would be the next academic year.
However, Horn said their goal is not going to raise fees until the building is opened.
“We can’t tell whether we will have enough money now,” Horn said.
The referendum will allow students to decide whether they want new recreational facilities will take place in early March, Horn said.
SSFC Internal Budget Presentation
SSFC Chair David Vines presented the SSFC internal budget for the fiscal year 2014-2015, which requested $154,078.46 — a 10.2 percent decrease from the fiscal year 2012-13.
SSFC requested $150,008.46 for salaries and fringe benefits and $4,070.46 for supplies and services.
Vines said he lowered the SSFC member meeting stipend to $17,000, since the body has never used more than $13,000 of the $18,000 budget.
He said he would like to keep decreasing it down to around $15,000, which he thought was “highly accessible.”
Supporting Peers In Laidback Listening
After some discussion about the advertising budget line and program budget, SSFC representatives voted 12-0-0 to fund SPILL’s requested budget of $42,289.25, slightly lower than the requested $42,789.25.
During the debate, Rep. Devon Maier said SPILL’s budget for programming was too high and moved to cut $250 from their programming budget line.
Rep. Brett Ducharme proposed an amendment on the printing and photocopying budget by striking $250 from the line, which also fit the request of SPILL representatives.
Rep. Justin Bloesch said the only thing that should be increased in their budget plan was their supplies line and he moved to add $250 on that item.
All three amendments were approved.
SSFC will vote on the Rec Sports Master Plan and their internal budget at a meeting Thursday.