Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle and Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk joined forces Monday, announcing a $1.2 million plan to correct the recent backlog in DNA testing at the State Crime Lab.
The money is intended to staff 15 new analysts and technicians for processing DNA evidence as requested by the Wisconsin Department of Justice. The plan also includes the establishment of a new screening policy to give priority to homicide and sexual assault cases as well as increased training for DNA analysts to work better with law-enforcement officials.
According to Falk's campaign spokesperson Adam Collins, Falk — the Democratic candidate for attorney general — is focused on increasing public safety.
"What the plan shows us is that Kathleen Falk can and will work with the governor to find answers for the type of questions and issues we have in public safety," he said.
Collins added the plan will be funded through proposed allocations in the governor's upcoming biennial state budget and will address a backlog that has grown to nearly 2,000 cases.
The plan, first unveiled in Milwaukee and then in Appleton, addressed the contentious issue carried throughout the primary election in which Falk defeated incumbent Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager. In the Republican election, J.B. Van Hollen defeated Paul Bucher for the party's nomination.
Van Hollen's campaign did not return phone calls seeking comment as of press time, but in a release, Van Hollen said he would reorganize and reprioritize positions to emphasize forensics analysis. He also said he would outsource more work, adding Doyle and Falk do not have the capability to reduce the backlog.
"They want us to believe Doyle didn't create the crime lab mess and they want us to ignore the fact Kathleen Falk has no professional criminal justice experience," Van Hollen said. "It is unfortunate that Doyle's handpicked candidate had to get through a primary election before seriously addressing the deadly crime lab backlog."
Yet Collins said Falk has consistently campaigned to promote safe communities.
"As we did in the primary race, Kathleen Falk will continue to come out with these real type of solutions to help Wisconsin citizens by increasing public safety across the state and getting dangerous criminals off the street," he said.
Doyle will face U.S. Rep. Mark Green, R-Wis., and Falk will face Van Hollen in the Nov. 7 general election.