A recent finding by the Student Services Finance Committee that some previously funded student groups are ineligible for further aid are leaving organizations currently receiving funding uneasy.
But unlike many nervous organizations, the Multicultural Student Coalition is confident in their new budget request.
At MCSC’s last budget hearing, SSFC approved a budget increase of nearly $240,000. This year, MCSC cut its budget by over $4,000.
MCSC executive team member Carl Camacho said the organization should encounter no difficulties when bringing the proposal before SSFC.
“I feel MCSC has proven their service to students in the last school year,” Camacho said. “Also, we aren’t increasing the amount of money we’re asking for. It stands to reason that we need this money to keep providing the same services.”
Fellow executive team member Theresa Vidaurri agreed that MCSC has proven its value to the student body through many examples of success. She also said SSFC should not worry about MCSC’s accountability.
“We’re trying to be fiscally responsible, and hopefully SSFC will see that,” Vidaurri said.
The areas of the upcoming budget that MCSC cut pertain to office supplies and furnishing, which Vidaurri said were “one-time-only expenses” in last year’s budget.
Those items required extra funding to pay for office necessities for the new location MCSC is attempting to secure by January.
“Right now we’re working with administration to find an office that will accommodate the needs of MCSC,” Vidaurri said.
This year’s budget includes an increase in money needed for advertising, a change Vidaurri attributes to better knowledge of advertising costs.
“Advertising is one thing we can efficiently do to promote student outreach and prove our accessibility to all students,” Vidaurri said.
Camacho said more advertising money should put to rest SSFC’s concerns about diversity groups serving all students.
“Now that we have a better understanding of advertising costs, we can provide SSFC with a more in-depth justification and explanation of our budget requests,” Camacho said. “I think SSFC will be excited to know our plans to promote our services to the entire student body.”
This year, for example, MCSC has funded the Multicultural Orientation, Networking and Empowerment Month, which Camacho said has serviced 1,500 to 2,000 students since it began Sept. 4.
“I feel confident that we’ll be able to continue providing services with this budget,” Viduarri said. “And I’m very confident that the funding hearing will turn out like it should.”