The Madison Police Department named Officer Larry Kamholz the new Public Information Officer Oct. 29.
Kamholz has been working as the PIO since his predecessor, Officer Ben VandenBelt, was charged with giving cocaine to and having sexual relations with a 17-year-old boy.
VandenBelt has been suspended with pay since an investigation into his case began Aug. 31.
Since then, the MPD has been trying to fill VandenBelt’s position.
Lt. Wayne Strong said many qualified officers could have been considered to replace VandenBelt.
The MPD also said they feel this incident will not ruin the reputation of the department. One officer, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the charges would have no impact.
“These are only allegations at this point,” he said. “It is still only the actions of one off-duty officer and not indicative of any widespread problems throughout the department.”
Kamholz said he is anxious to start working with the public.
“I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the media since taking office and look forward to the three years of service I have,” Kamholz said.