Over 1,100 fraternity and sorority officers, chapter leaders and members will convene this weekend to discuss the role of alcohol in the UW-Madison Greek community.
Saturday’s daylong forum, titled “New Horizons of Responsibility,” will feature a multitude of speakers and university of officials, who aim to educate incoming sorority and fraternity members about alcohol use.
Participants at the Alcohol Issues Summit 2001, which is open to the public, will learn the importance of responsibility.
“We want to expose them to the fact that being involved in an organization like [fraternities and sororities] brings a bit of responsibility,” said Laura Behnke, Panhellenic risk management chair. “[The summit] adds a little more importance to it and makes people think about it a little more.”
In addition to speeches by national experts on risk management, drug and alcohol abuse and sexually transmitted diseases, UW Chancellor John Wiley and Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Paul Barrows will give a brief presentation.
Last fall the Panhellenic Association, which governs sororities, ended its co-sponsorship of fraternity house events that include alcohol. Several houses have discontinued the use of alcohol at their functions as well.
Madison has 27 fraternities, 11 sororities and seven multicultural fraternal organizations totaling 2,500 members.
The summit, which kicks off at the Grainger Hall auditorium 10 a.m. Saturday, is sponsored by the Chancellor’s Office, the Student Organization Office, the Interfraternity Council and the Panhellenic Association.