Associated Students of Madison approved a reduced homecoming committee budget request at their Wednesday night meeting. The council also appointed four diversity liaisons and four student judiciaries.
The homecoming committee, represented by Sarah Mathis and Jim Strode, originally requested $9,150 for homecoming events, but ASM lowered the amount to $6,850.
ASM member Jeff Pertl argued against the original amount, saying it was too much of a percentage of available funds.
“We need to cut this amount out of respect to other student groups,” Pertl said.
ASM Member Scott Spector argued for the committee’s original request.
“This is one of the largest events sponsored by the university, and it affects not only the school but also the community,” he said.
Homecoming week includes the Badger Games, in which students compete against other groups for points and prizes, Multicultural, which intends to promote diversity, Homecoming Court, a parade, a pep rally, and a concert at Memorial Union.
The final amount approved for the homecoming committee was $6,850. ASM reduced the budget by denying money for such Homecoming Court supplies as dresses, polo shirts and flowers, by trimming the sound-system budget from $850 to $200 and by slashing the transportation budget.
In other business, ASM’s nominations board filled ASM Diversity Liaison and Student Judiciary positions.
ASM appointed UW students Janalee Kraschnewski, Clara Janis, Emily Becklin and Asia Mitchell to the student judiciary.
The Women of Color Liaison will comprise Brandi Grayson, the LGBT of Color Liaison will be Brian Liberona, the LGBT Liaison will be Nadolyn Hankins, and the Women’s Liaison will be Angela Bartucci.
ASM unanimously approved all the appointments.
“I am very happy with the roster of candidates approved by ASM tonight,” nominations board chair Joseph Laskowski said. “We appointed the highest-quality students to Student Judiciary and to the Diversity Liaison program.”
The final item on the ASM docket was the creation of a public statement regarding the council’s position on last week’s terrorist attacks. Rep. Jennifer Epps created a bill for this purpose; however, the meeting ran out of time and was adjourned.