While people across America scrambled to scrape together money and courageously donated blood, UW-Madison students eagerly embraced their own relief efforts.
One of the most original endeavors is a ribbon-making project sponsored by the Wisconsin Union Community Services Directorate, the Alternative Breaks Committee and the Morgridge Center for Public Service.
The white and yellow ribbons, white symbolizing peace and yellow meaning hope, are being distributed all over the UW campus in honor and memory of Tuesday’s tragedies.
Directors said they hope students and staff will wear the ribbons with pride.
“I hope this is something people all over campus want to be involved in,” said Jeff Herrhold, director of the Wisconsin Union Community Services Directorate.
Ribbons will be handed out today.
“We’re going to be everywhere from the dorms to Library Mall,” Herrhold said.
Over 50 students helped make thousands of ribbons Thursday and project directors are looking for more student help today until 5:00 p.m.
“We are definitely encouraging students to wear the ribbons, but also to help make them, even if it’s for only 10 minutes,” Herrhold said.
Students involved in the project said being able to help comforts them.
“We often feel helpless in these situations because we’re pretty far from the situation,” UW freshman Kate Hedlan said. “It’s nice to be here because everyone has a common goal.”
The ribbons are attached to information cards with details on the blood drive Sunday at the Alliant Energy Center, 222 W. Washington Ave., and how to make donations to the Red Cross.
The card also gives information on the Unity Forum, part of the Distinguished Lecture Series at the Great Hall of the Memorial Union Sunday, Sept. 16, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.
“The lecture will be an open forum for students and professors,” Herrhold said. “It’s an opportunity for students to talk and get their feelings out.”
Student groups within the UW School of Business are also organizing a personalized relief effort.
The Society of Human Resource Management and Sigma Iota Epsilon, the management honorary fraternity for the Business School, are working together to raise funds for terrorist victims.
Their proceeds will go to the American Red Cross National Relief Fund, which provides blankets, shelter, transportation and counseling for victims.
A table will be set up in the Grainger Hall Atrium Monday, Sept. 17 through Thursday, Sept. 20 from 10:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. for students, faculty and staff to donate financial assistance to the relief effort.
Students involved said they hope this is a good way for UW students to help those in New York City and Washington D.C.
“There are so many people in need and so many students looking for something to do, but they don’t know what,” Matt Shefchik, Community Service Director of SHRM said. “I hope this gives them a something.”
These groups have also asked for help from other student organizations, such as the Greek System and the Homecoming Committee.
Pamphlets and other informational material will be available for those looking for additional ways to help.