Diversity; Climate; Plan 2008: buzz words as of late. The administration here at UW-Madison seems obsessed with their little social experiments and their preferential admission standards. They think that the one thing missing from our education is more minority classmates. To paraphrase State Senator Glenn Grothman, they think students don’t know how to get along with people of color. They are racist, for they assume that a difference in skin pigmentation necessitates a difference in character that us white students have to learn to accept. They are bigoted, for they assume that we somehow have to acclimate ourselves to interacting with minorities as if 2008 was no different than 1954.
Instead of simply focusing on recruiting the best and brightest students, the administration laments that they need to make minority students more competitive for admission. With mixed results at the expiration of Plan 2008, especially in regards to minority student retention, the administration is obsessed with forming a new plan to garner even more colored people as students. Do they think that the University of Wisconsin is some drawing on a refrigerator or something, and that black, yellow, red, and brown are the crayons missing from their Crayola box necessary to create a picture of perverted social perfection in their liberal eyes in order to achieve some gold star?
When one looks at the numbers, it is hard to believe the administration is still whining that we need more diversity in the student body. The freshman class of 2008 was composed of 13.3 percent minorities. In their report, the office of admissions seems a little dismayed by this number, but it is arguable that this number is slightly high considering that UW-Madison is a state ran university, and thus, it is suppose to be representative of the state population. Cry all you want that 13.3 percent of the freshman class of 2008 is too few minorities, but the state, according to 2008 figures, is still 89.7 percent white.
It is undeniably racially preferential for the University of Wisconsin to pursue an increase in the racial diversity of admitted students rather than judging applicants solely on their academic competence and non-demographically based criteria especially considering that current admission statistics show that the university’s student body is already representative of the state population as a whole. What the administration deems academic enrichment is really liberal social doctrine, racist in the name of equality, feeding us students pc ignorance as a creed to live by and insulting our intelligence and character.