- Madison Bike Week Sept 12-20: Madison Bikes annual event, 9/12-20. For more information and the schedule visit: https://www.madisonbikes.org/events/bikeweek/
- Virtual Trivia Night with the Wisconsin Veterans Museum: The museum hosts a virtual trivia night for the public. Sept 15 @ 7 p.m., sign up here: https://wisvetsmuseum.com/wisvetsevent/trivia-night-3/
- What Does the 1918 Flu Pandemic Teach Us about the Economic Impacts of COVID-19? Presented by Tessa Conroy, assistant professor at UW-Madison’s Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Sept 15 @ 6-7:15 PM. More info here: https://today.wisc.edu/events/view/152392
- Fall 2020 Visiting Artist Colloquium: Presenting works by artist Laylah Amatullah Barrayn. Sept 16 @ 5-6:15 PM More information at: https://art.wisc.edu/public-programs/
- WOMEN, YOUTH, AND VIOLENCE IN THE BORDERLANDS: As part of the Fall 2020 “Migration Webinar Series: Latin America and the U.S.” Sept 16 @ 4:45-5:30 PM More info here: https://today.wisc.edu/events/view/153035
Madtown Crier 9.15: List of events for this week
Another list of weekly events from The Badger Herald
by Rachael Lee
September 15, 2020